Potosi is a mining town in southern Bolivia. The Silver mines here once bankrolled a majority of the spanish empire. However the mines now only have little silver and lead. When the mines run out they think the towm will collapse. Potosi claims itself to be the highest city in the world at 4000+ meters. It used to be one of the richest in the world at its height of mining and rivaled cities of Paris and London in its population and wealth.

A bag of TNT. And the fuse is lit,
look close you can see the smoke.
Dont worry, it has a one minute fuse.
Ohh yeah you can buy it on
the street for two dollars.


Tio or Uncle. The devil is the god of the underworld and hence the god of the mines. The miners worship him because they are in his house and anything that they recieve is an offering from him. They sacrifice llamas to Tio. The theory is that the more llama blood they give the less human blood he will take. But only 30 miners a year lose their blood to Tio.

Ride a half ton of ore.